Joint and muscle pain is common among adults and is often treated with anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen. Unfortunately, many anti-inflammatory drugs have adverse side effects like heart and gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and allergic reactions affecting the skin and eyes. Consequently, health advisors strictly limit the dose size and frequency of anti-inflammatory drugs for joint pain.
The good news is that CBG, a lesser-known cannabinoid found in hemp, could be just as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for treating joint and muscle pain. What’s more, adverse side-effects of CBG are rare, which means you can use more of it – and more frequently – without risking other health concerns.
Today, we’ll discuss the benefits of using CBG for joint and muscle pain, explain how CBG helps minimize pain, and outline some CBG products you can try to help relieve joint and muscle pain quickly.
Benefits of CBG for Pain Management
The benefits of CBG are vast and include things like improved skin health, neuroprotective qualities, reduced anxiety, and better sleep. However, CBG’s most profound health benefit is its natural pain-relieving effect.
Notably, researchers believe that CBG reduces pain in a few ways. First, it reduces swelling and irritation that can cause pain. It can also slow pain signal transmission to the brain to reduce the constant nagging of painful joints. Finally, it increases our tolerance to pain to help us bear higher levels of discomfort.
How Does CBG Help With Pain?
CBG, CBD, and lots of other hemp cannabinoids mimic special chemicals that our bodies produce naturally. These chemicals are called endocannabinoids (because we produce them internally), and they help our bodies stay balanced in an unbalanced environment. Notably, our bodies produce these chemicals on demand to regulate things like stress, appetite, memory, movement, and pain perception.
CBG, which is a plant-based cannabinoid that interacts with the same balancing system, helps the body regulate pain perception and increase pain tolerance. It also strengthens our pain-regulating system by slowing down how quickly our bodies absorb endocannabinoids. This helps explain its profound pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, plus a myriad of other potential benefits.
Why Combine CBD and CBG
Though similar, CBD and CBG have different effects on the body. Using them simultaneously adds more benefits than either can deliver on their own, thanks to a phenomenon called the Entourage Effect. Essentially, the Entourage Effect suggests that using many components together is more beneficial than the sum of its parts; CBG and CBD are both amazing cannabinoids, but they’re more powerful together. Notably, this is also why we combine other beneficial herbs in our premium Copoeia products (because the Entourage Effect includes more than just cannabinoids).
Copoeia Products with CBG
Copoeia proudly grows our own hemp cannabinoids, which include special varieties that produce CBD and other varieties that produce more CBG. We use both CBD and CBG in our amazing topical CBG creams and balms. The combination of CBD and CBG work harmoniously to provide joint and muscle pain relief without any harsh chemicals or side effects.
Try our Comfort Balm Soothing Salve for the gentle, skin-nourishing benefit of CBG and CBD, plus the calming effect of lavender and eucalyptus. For more powerful pain relief, try our Pain Away Pain Cream for more intense hot-and-cold therapy coupled with the powerful CBD/CBG combo. Either way, you’ll reap the benefits of CBG for pain to get you moving again fast.