Herbal Sleep Remedies: The Power of Natural Solutions

Herbal Sleep Remedies: The Power of Natural Solutions

Sleep is a necessity. All living things need rest to recover and regenerate. When we don’t get enough sleep, everything else suffers too. For example, insufficient sleep may cause us to feel groggy and sluggish, make it difficult to concentrate or control our mood, and hinder our balance. Sleep problems can affect our health and social interactions, as well. 

If you’re experiencing sleep problems, then herbal sleep remedies could be a great solution. Natural herbal sleep aids can help lull you into comfortable rest and encourage deep sleep throughout the night. But which herbal sleep remedy is best for you? Let’s take a look.

Which Herbal Sleep Remedy is Right for You?

Copoeia offers two different all-natural sleep solutions: Our Sweet Dreams Sleep Gummies and our Restful Nights Sleep Softgels. They both contain all-natural herbal ingredients to help you sleep, but the ingredients that support restful sleep differ slightly. Here’s what you should know about our herbal sleep remedies.

Restful Nights Softgels

Our Restufl Night’s Softgels are a flavorless capsule that slowly dissolves in your stomach throughout the night to help you stay asleep longer. These soft gel caps are easy to swallow and contain two milligrams of melatonin plus a full spectrum of hemp cannabinoids, including CBD, CBG, CBG, and a tenny-tiny bit of THC to bring it all together. 

Notably, the amount of THC in these all-natural sleep aids is so small that you won’t feel “high” or otherwise intoxicated. Even so, there is a slight chance that regularly consuming this sleep aid could show up on a drug screen. If this is a concern, then consider our other herbal sleep remedy, Sweet Dreams Sleep Gummies.

Sweet Dreams Sleep Gummies

Our Sweet Dreams Sleep Gummies are certainly sweet! These delicious, mixed berry flavored treats contain a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, including the relaxing hemp cannabinoid, CBN, plus two milligrams of melatonin in every piece to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. These these gummies also have many other beneficial cannabinoids like CBD and CBG, but no THC. which makes them a great option for those sensitive to the stuff. 

How to Know if You Need More Sleep

Everyone needs a different amount of sleep. Some people thrive off of just six hours of sleep each night while others may need nine or more. If you pay attention, your body will tell you if you need more sleep by displaying the following signs.

Daytime Sleepiness: The most common sign that you need more sleep is excessive daytime sleepiness. If you find yourself dragging mid-day or craving that mid-afternoon nap, you may need more sleep.

Weight Gain: Sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight for many reasons. For example, people who feel sleepy tend to eat higher calorie diets and exercise less. Additionally, insufficient sleep changes hormone levels, which can also affect metabolism. 

Irritability or Changes in Mood: Sleep balances brain chemicals to help us stay calm in stressful situations. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep can have the opposite effect. If you notice you’re more grumpy or irritable when you’re sleepy, this is why.

Acne: Sleep helps regulate hormones. When you don’t get enough sleep, your hormones may get all out of whack, which could cause acne or other skin irritations. 

Sleepy Eyes: Insufficient sleep causes poor circulation, which can cause fluid build-up behind the eyes. Puffy, red eyes, dark circles, and bags under your eyes are all signs that you may not be sleeping enough.

Memory or Concentration Problems: Sleep plays an important role in memory and concentration. When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain struggles to recall information and stay focused on tasks. If you find it difficult to remember things, then a good night’s sleep may be in order.

Final Thoughts About Copoeia’s Herbal Sleep Remedies

If a good night's sleep is hard to come by, then you should try one of these all-natural herbal sleep remedies. They're effective, reliable, and gentle on your stomach,so you can finally sleep well and wake up rested and ready to go.

Copoeia's herbal sleep remedies are truly a dream come true.

Buy now or check out our blog to learn more about Copoeia's premium wellness products


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