Delving into Effective Knee Pain Relievers and Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

Delving into Effective Knee Pain Relievers and Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

Knee pain is an all-too-common discomfort that can severely hinder movement and over-all life quality. Those most affected by knee pain include women, athletes, heavy-set people, and the elderly. Knee pain may begin as a dull pain and then worsen over time, or start suddenly after an injury. Either way, treating knee pain at home can help you find joint relief fast. 

Today, we’ll discuss a few natural knee pain reliever options you can try. But first, let’s figure out why your knees hurt in the first place. 


diagram of knee structure

What's Causing Your Knee Pain?

The knee is a complex structure made up of bones, ligaments, tendons, and shock-absorbing fluid-filled sacs. Knee pain can occur when any of these components become worn or damaged. Notably, the most common knee pain causes include injury or overuse, damage to the joint area, and arthritis. Whatever the cause, those who struggle with knee joint pain need relief to maintain mobility and optimal comfort. These natural remedies for knee pain can help.


woman having knee inspected

Easy Knee Pain Reliever Options 

Knees are large, complex joints that endure frequent load-bearing use. Recent surveys show that chronic knee pain affects a staggering one in four adults. Fortunately, most people can find knee pain relief naturally without medical intervention. Here are a few of the most common knee pain relief strategies you can try. 

acupuncture needles in someone's knee


Acupuncture is an ancient practice by which sterile metal needles are inserted strategically into the skin. Studies show that acupuncture can help relieve knee pain caused by damage or injury and osteoarthritis of the knee. It also seems to help relieve joint pain following knee replacement surgery, especially when used with other therapeutic remedies. 

Though we don’t fully understand why acupuncture relieves knee pain, some experts believe that the practice affects hormone levels and, thus, pain perception. Acupuncture to treat knee pain usually involves pin placement around the knee, though the specific location depends on the cause and location of the pain. 

Woman holding ice pack on her knee

Ice Therapy

Icing your knee after an injury can help provide joint relief quickly. It does this by numbing the area while constricting the blood vessels to reduce swelling. For maximum effectiveness, you should apply ice within 72 hours of the injury, preferably in 20-minute sessions. When using an ice pack, wrap it in cloth to prevent direct contact with the skin and to make the experience more tolerable. 

Notably, heat can also help reduce muscle tension in the knee, but should not be applied to an injury when the area is swollen. Heat can expand blood vessels, which can make swelling worse. 

Man wrapping knee in bandage


Compressing the knee with a bandage wrap or compression sleeve can help reduce knee pain by minimizing swelling and supporting the sensitive joint. It also helps keep you aware of body movement in the area, thus reminding you to move slowly as you heal. 

Man resting his legs on an elevation pillow


Elevating the knee above the heart can help stop bleeding and slow fluid flow to the injured area. Remember to provide proper support to the back of your knee with pillows or blankets to prevent unnecessary strain on your knee joint. 


Person getting a knee massage


Massaging your legs and knees can help relieve local joint pain and tension quickly, especially when using pain-relieving topicals like our Pain-Away Herbal Lotion. Studies show that using frankincense oil for knee pain may also help. 

Before working on your sensitive knee, take a few minutes to massage your leg muscles from thigh to calf. Then, gently massage a pain-relieving lotion onto the muscles and tendons around the kneecap for quick, targeted relief. Massage the area for about 15 minutes or as long as you like. 

Man speaking to the doctor about knee pain

When to See a Doctor About Your Knee Pain

Most knee pain will go away on its own within 48 hours, especially after using some of the natural knee pain remedies listed above. Even so, some knee pain may require medical intervention to heal properly. For example, if the swelling doesn’t subside, if your knees lock, or if you can’t put weight on your knee, you may need to see a doctor. You should also see a doctor about your knee pain if it doesn’t get better within a week. 

Doctor holding digital x-ray of knee pain location

What the Location of Your Knee Pain Says About Your Condition

Persistent knee pain may indicate a larger concern. Your doctor must understand the location of your knee pain to diagnose your condition, rule out other possible causes, and determine the best way to relieve pain in your knee joint. 

For example, pain at the top of the knee could be caused by Bursitis, knee osteoarthritis, or chondromalacia. Pain at the bottom of the knee could be from patellar tendonitis, Osgood-Schlatter disease, or patellofemoral instability. Back knee pain could be from a Baker’s cyst, whereas middle knee pain could indicate a tear in the anterior cruciate ligament. As varied as these knee pain causes, so, too, are the medical interventions necessary.


Doctor discussing knee pain with client

Common Medical Solutions for Knee Pain

Depending on the cause and severity of your knee pain, your doctor may suggest a range of solutions to alleviate your discomfort. For example, they may recommend a combination of physical therapy and medication, which could include pain meds, anti-inflammatories, or drugs to treat infections, autoimmune disorders, and so on.  

Other common medical solutions for knee pain include Arthrocentesis or the removal of fluid from around the joint. Injections like Botox, local anesthetics, hydraulic acid, etc., are also common. In severe cases, knee replacement surgery may be warranted. 


Person stretching knees in butterfly postion

How to Prevent Knee Pain 

Though there is no way to avoid knee joint pain completely, there are a few things you can do to protect your knees from damage and the pain of wear and tear. To begin, add more exercise to your daily routine, including stretching the leg muscles around the knee before and after working out. Remember to stop immediately if you feel knee pain while exercising, though. Pain usually indicates a problem in the area, and continuing to exercise could put unnecessary stress on the joint.  

Also, wear supportive clothing like knee braces and comfortable shoes if you will be on your feet all day, especially if you bend your knees often. These items help reduce strain on the knee to prevent joint pain and improve mobility. 

Finally, do your best to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) to help prevent excessive weight on the knees. Remember that your knees bear more weight than any other joint. As such, the best way to minimize knee joint pain is to minimize the load they carry. 

Pain away herbal lotion photo with wheat

Why Copoeia’s Pain Away Herbal Lotion Should Be Your Preferred Knee Pain Reliever

Copoeia has created a line of wellness products designed to nurture your best self, even when your self isn’t feeling its best. Our Pain Away Herbal Lotion includes the perfect blend of hemp cannabinoids and pain-relieving herbals like menthol and capsaicin to your ease your knee pain fast. Simply massage the topical knee pain reliever to the affected area to feel your discomfort melt away fast. 

Are you looking for other natural remedies? Check out our complete line of Copoeia products now or follow us on social media for more wellness tips and brand updates. 

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