Exploring Alternatives to Anxiety Medication

Exploring Alternatives to Anxiety Medication

Anxiety is that feeling we get when we’re stressed or worried. It’s the butterflies we feel when we’re about to have an important conversation or our racing heart as we head in to take a big test. Basically, it’s our body's way of telling us to be alert or stay focused. 

Bear in mind that anxiety can be beneficial, at least from an evolutionary perspective. After all, worrying is what keeps us safe! However, those who experience chronic or extreme anxiety may have a different take. In these cases, some people take anxiety medications to help tame the sometimes debilitating condition, while others choose more natural alternatives to anxiety medication.

Today, we’ll discuss common symptoms and treatments for anxiety, explore some alternatives to anxiety medication, and outline a few ways Copoeia can help calm those butterflies and prepare you for whatever lies ahead. 

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is the emotion we feel when we anticipate an upcoming threat, as opposed to fear, which we experience when facing an immediate threat. Like all emotions, anxiety has three key components: a subjective experience (a “trigger”), a physiological response like an increased heart rate, and a behavioral response like canceling plans to avoid social discomfort.

Common physical symptoms of anxiety include faster breathing, head and back pain, sweating, and difficulty sleeping. Anxiety may also cause people to worry excessively, struggle to concentrate, or grind their teeth at night. 

The two most common ways to treat anxiety are talk therapy and anxiety medications, both of which tend to require well-planned, repeated use. Unfortunately, many people who experience chronic anxiety also struggle to seek or maintain help. Remember, a common symptom of anxiety is canceling plans, which includes doctor visits and prescription refills.  

The Power of Herbal and Healing Remedies

Herbal remedies have long been used to help alleviate anxiety, either as stand-alone supplements or together with anxiety meds and other holistic practices. You can consume herbs for anxiety in capsules, add them to teas, or simply smell them in a practice called aromatherapy. A few popular herbs for anxiety include chamomile, lavender, and passionflower, all of which we proudly offer in select Copoeia products. 

Talk to your doctor about using herbal remedies for anxiety, especially if you’re already taking prescription anxiety medication. Some herbs have powerful effects and may interact with other medications, making them more or less effective depending on the combination. 


Both human and animal studies show that chamomile may help reduce symptoms of anxiety like sleeplessness and muscle tension. Results seem to be the most effective when consumed daily, with researchers from one study noting significant improvement in both anxiety and depression following 26 weeks of continued therapy. 


Lavender is a flowering plant with a pleasant scent and well-known calming properties, making it a frequent go-to in the world of aromatherapy. Studies suggest lavender oil can help reduce pain, improve sleep, and promote an overall sense of well-being better than placebo, which may make it a viable alternative to traditional anxiety medication. 


Passionflower is a flowering vine and popular dietary supplement used to treat sleeplessness, anxiety, and pain. When consumed orally, the extract may also improve stomach problems and calm a racing mind to help people relax and drift off into comfortable sleep. 

The Importance of Sleep in Managing Anxiety

Anxiety and sleep are closely linked in a sort of chicken-or-egg type of scenario. Basically, poor sleep quality can contribute to a higher likelihood that someone will experience anxiety. Likewise, high levels of anxiety can make it difficult for someone to fall asleep and stay asleep. Hence, we cannot talk about anxiety treatments without addressing the importance of a good night’s sleep. 

Notably, sleep quality (which helps protect and repair the brain) can directly affect one’s mental health. According to the National Institute of Health, sleep-deprived people are more likely to experience stress, have difficulty making decisions, and control their emotional reactions. This combination of factors can contribute to higher levels of anxiety by causing emotional stress and an inability to cope effectively with said stressors. This helps explain why improving sleep quality may reduce anxiety and vice versa. 

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to improve sleep quality, which we discuss in detail in an earlier post called "Natural Sleep Aids: Your Gateway to Sweet Dreams and Restful Nights." The article outlines the importance of sleep, how to determine sleep quality, and a few tips for catching quality Zs to improve overall health. Some tips to improve sleep include establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a restful environment, limiting screen time before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.

Lifestyle Changes for Anxiety Relief

Always remember that the way you live your life can directly impact your mental health. Herbal supplements and anxiety medication aside, here are a few things you can do to reduce anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help keep your body – and mind – in top shape. That’s because exercise helps stimulate the production of “happy” chemicals in the brain like serotonin and endorphins. Mindful movements like yoga and tai chi are especially beneficial for anxiety relief. 
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition is a crucial component of well-being.On the other hand, a poor diet may limit the nutrients necessary to maintain good mental health and throw dopamine production (your brain's “reward” chemical) out of wack. That’s why you should eat a balance of whole, unprocessed foods and avoid excessive caffeine, sugar, and heavily processed foods. 
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Meditation is another common alternative to anxiety medication because it helps us observe our anxiety from a compassionate, non-judgmental standpoint. When we sit quietly with our anxiety, we can learn to unpack our triggers and calmly cope with the stress they cause. 

Introducing Copoeia's Serenity Soothing Gummies

Anxiety doesn’t have to be daunting, especially with the help of Copoeia’s Serenity Soothing Gummies. These delicious, berry-flavored sweets combine all-natural broad-spectrum CBD oil and passionflower for a quick and enjoyable way to calm down fast. Whether at home or on the go, these bite-sized treats can help you relax and de-stress for an easy-going day and a great night’s sleep.

Check out our product reviews for insight into their incredible effectiveness, or buy some today to experience the calming effect of our Serenity Soothing Gummies first-hand. Visit Copoeia.com to learn more, or follow us on social media at @CopoeiaWellness. 

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