Untangling the Truth About CBD

Untangling the Truth About CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the most talked-about ingredients in the wellness industry today. At Copoeia, we proudly incorporate this remarkable compound into our all-natural herbal products, including our Pain Away Pain Cream, Serenity Soothing Gummies, and Sweet Dreams Sleep Gummies. But what exactly is CBD, and why is it generating so much buzz? Let's untangle the truth about CBD and explore its potential benefits for pain, stress, and sleep relief.



What is CBD?

CBD is a special chemical that comes from hemp. Unlike THC, another compound found in a different type of cannabis, CBD is non-intoxicating and does not produce a "high." Instead, it interacts with our bodies in unique ways to help support whole-body health. Early research suggests that CBD can help support the immune system, reduce swelling, improve mood, and support healthy sleep cycles. This makes it a versatile and promising ingredient for various wellness applications.



What CBD is Not

As mentioned, CBD is quite popular in the natural wellness space. Unfortunately, with popularity comes some misinformation, as many people confuse the chemical itself with the plant it comes from. For example, it’s true that CBD comes from cannabis, but it is not true that CBD comes from the intoxicating type of cannabis commonly called “marijuana.” In fact, most CBD comes from hemp, which is a non-intoxicating type of cannabis because it produces extremely low levels of THC. In other words, consuming CBD will not get you high, which means that the effects are much less noticeable if you’re not paying attention.

Another common misconception regarding CBD is its potential for abuse or addiction. To be clear, CBD is not addictive and is very hard to abuse. In fact, research suggests that humans can safely consume up to 1,500 milligrams of CBD per day, which is well above the average dosage of any CBD wellness product. In the rare case that someone ingests too much, symptoms of CBD toxicity are relatively mild compared to other pain and sleep medications and include things like sleepiness, appetite changes, and diarrhea. 

Lastly is the debate regarding CBD's effectiveness as a whole. There are two common schools of thought on this matter – either it’s a “miracle drug” or “snake oil,” depending on who you ask. In reality, CBD lies somewhere in the middle; it is not a cure-all but it is certainly not a hoax, either. 

In fact, a growing number of studies suggest CBD might have significant therapeutic potential. For example, a 2023 research review outlines CBD’s potential as an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-anxiety agent. The reasons why CBD is so good for you are kind of complex, but basically, it’s because it triggers a special balancing system in our body called the Endocannabinoid System. 

Remember, though, that CBD is very gentle on the body, which means that its effects can be a bit subtle. Keeping a health journal to track your mood, pain, and sleep quality can help you notice these changes over time.


Why the Bad Rep?

If CBD is so good for you, why does it sometimes get a bad reputation? To answer this, we have to refer you back to our original point: misinformation. Specifically, there is a lot of misinformation around CBD’s association with “marijuana,” an intoxicating type of cannabis. Remember, CBD comes from non-intoxicating hemp-type cannabis, which looks exactly like marijuana. And because marijuana has been illegal for so long, a lot of people (including many politicians) have a hard time distinguishing the two. 

In 2018, the United States government legalized CBD and made it eligible for commercial sale. They also included a lot of rules about its growth and production to help keep consumers safe and to discourage farmers from growing cannabis with too much THC. Even though these regulations are there to protect consumers, a lot of people assume that these strict rules are there because CBD is dangerous or unreliable. 

Notably, CBD itself is neither dangerous nor unreliable, though some CBD products on the market are. In fact, one study found that almost half of the 80 products they tested had inaccurate CBD labels. This inconsistency between products and brands have soured many people’s perception about CBD’s reliability and effectiveness. 

Luckily, Copoeia is helping avoid this confusion by delivering exactly what our labels say every time. In fact, you can see for yourself the precise concentrations of CBD and other hemp cannabinoids like CBN and CBG in whichever product you like. Just refer to the product’s Certificate of Analysis (COA), which you can access directly on each product page. Notably, a COA is a third-party assessment that outlines the exact concentrations of every important cannabinoid within a product.


Final Thoughts: Buy the Best CBD Products on the Market from Copoeia Wellness

At Copoeia, we have years of experience growing, manufacturing, and testing CBD products. Our commitment to high integrity means we won’t sell products that don’t work. Our team is dedicated to your health and wellness, and this dedication is reflected in both our products and our educational materials. Choose Copoeia for pure, potent, and trustworthy CBD products that support your wellness journey.

Experience the benefits of CBD with confidence and let Copoeia be your partner in achieving better health and well-being. Shop now or follow us on social media at @CopoeiaWellness.

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