The Magic of Terpenes: Hemp's Other Hidden Treasure

The Magic of Terpenes: Hemp's Other Hidden Treasure

The delectable perfumes infused into Copoeia products serve a greater purpose than just smelling amazing. In fact, many of Copoeia’s wellness products boast sweet scents that also boost their therapeutic potential. These special elements are called terpenes, and they do some pretty amazing things for both people and the plants that produce them. This is just further proof that Mother Nature knows what she’s doing. 

Today, we’ll discuss the benefits of terpenes and outline some characteristics of a few of our favorites. 


What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are oily perfumes that many plants produce to protect them and help them survive. Lemongrass, for example, produces terpenes that repel insects, while kiwifruit produces terpenes that attract pollinators. Likewise, some terpenes have anti-microbial properties, while others protect plants from sun damage by absorbing UV light. 

Terpenes are a key ingredient in essential oils and the reason they all boast such a distinct scent. Notably, essential oils contain terpenes, plus a bunch of other stuff, which is why consistency, cost, and effectiveness tend to vary so widely between brands. 

Fun fact: hemp produces many different terpenes, as well, which depend mostly on the variety and production process. For example, some types of hemp produce more limonene, which is a terpene known for its mood-boosting properties. On the other hand, some types of hemp produce more of a terpene called myrcene, which tends to be more calming. However, growers must properly preserve these terpenes post-harvest, or else they’ll evaporate or degrade. As such, those who want to reap the benefits of terpenes should always get them from experienced growers and producers.  


Benefits of Common Terpenes

Scientists have discovered more than 20,000 terpenes, which mostly develop in plants (though some insects produce them, too!). That’s a lot of terpenes, so we narrowed down the list to seven of the most common hemp terpenes and key Copoeia ingredients. If you’ve ever wondered why Copoeia products are so good at what they do, this list can help clarify.



Myrcene is the most abundant hemp terpene, but it’s also common in plants like mangos, thyme, lemongrass, and hops. It has a musky, earthy scent with gentle, calming qualities, which makes it a popular additive in food and cosmetic products. Scientists also think that myrcene is anti-inflammatory and anticatabolic, which means it helps protect muscles from breaking down over time. 



Linalool is a deliciously floral terpene that is common in plants like basil, lavender, sage, roses, and hemp. Studies also suggest that linalool can help reduce pain, minimize inflammation, and protect against bacterial infections when applied to the skin. In fact, linalool is a key ingredient in our Comfort Balm Soothing Salve because of its broad potential as a natural wellness product. 



Caryophyllene is a spicy, woody terpene found in plants like sage, cloves, rosemary, black pepper, and eucalyptus. It is unique because it binds to special receptors in the immune system to help relieve pain and inflammation. It may also help battle the blues, slow aging, and protect the body from infection. This makes it a great addition to both our Menstrual Relief Patches and Pain Away Pain Relief Cream.



Limonene is a pungent terpene with a strong citrus scent. It is common in plants like rosemary, chamomile, ginger, red pepper, and citrus fruits and is best known for its uplifting, invigorating qualities. It may also support the immune system, improve digestive health, reduce inflammation, and more. 



Pinene is the most common terpene in nature, but it’s most prominent in plants like rosemary, parsley, dill, and pine tree needles. Like many other terpenes, pinene can help reduce pain and inflammation and may also boost mood and improve short-term memory. Pinene can also help open and soothe airways to help you breathe better, too!



Menthol is a minty terpene that is common in plants like peppermint and spearmint. People have been using it for centuries to cool the skin and minimize local pain and itching. Interestingly, it’s also an antibacterial and antifungal and improves skin absorption when applied topically. In fact, menthol is a big reason that our Menstrual Relief Patches and Pain Away Relief Cream work so well!



Eucalyptol is a fresh, minty terpene most common in eucalyptus trees, though it also develops in rosemary, tea tree leaves, wormwood, and hemp. Smelling eucalyptol can help us breathe better, which is why a steamy shower with a eucalyptus branch can help relieve congestion. It may also reduce inflammation, sharpen the mind, and boost spirits. This is just one more reason why our eucalyptus-infused Comfort Balm Soothing Salve is so sweetly comforting. 

How to Consume Terpenes

There are lots of ways to reap the benefits of terpenes! You can smell them, eat them, or apply them directly to your skin for localized benefit. In fact, just spending time outdoors, especially in densely forested areas, can work wonders for your health and well-being. Studies show that those who spend at least 20-30 minutes in nature experience lower blood pressure, heart rate, and dangerous hormone levels. They also tend to be more calm, relaxed, and happy.  

Final Thoughts: Experience the Benefit of Terpenes in Copoeia Wellness Products

The Copoeia team works hard to bring you the best natural remedies with minimal ingredients. With the help of Mother Nature, we’ve developed a premium line of terpene-rich wellness products that target the most important elements of well-being: rest, recovery, and stress relief. 

Shop our line of hemp-based wellness products now, or follow us on social @CopoeiaWellness for brand updates, product offers, and simple wellness tips. 

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