The Best Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety at Home

The Best Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety at Home

You or someone you know likely suffers from stress or anxiety. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed with your long to-do list as you juggle your work, family, social, and personal life. Consequently, you may feel irritable and exhausted, which can cause headaches, sleeplessness, and loss of productivity. What’s worse, these symptoms of stress and anxiety can often snowball into a chronic condition if not addressed and rectified properly. The good news is there are alternatives to anxiety medication.

So what can you do for quick stress and anxiety relief now? We’ve got a few ideas. But first, let’s discuss the basics of stress and anxiety.

What's the difference? Woman holding two question marks

Anxiety Versus Stress: What’s the Difference?

The terms “stress” and “anxiety” are often used interchangeably, but the distinction between anxiety versus stress is quite important. To be clear, stress generally refers to internal discomforts caused by external factors. Tight deadlines, personal arguments, and financial concerns are all examples of stressors. Notably, these stressors may cause stress symptoms like irritability, sleep problems, high blood pressure, and so on.

Anxiety, on the other hand, refers to internal causes of stress, which are often triggered by situations that are not actually threatening. Public speaking, social interactions, or specific phobias, for example, are all common causes of anxiety for about one-third of Americans.

Notably, anxiety may cause a person to feel extreme nervousness, which is characterized by shallow breathing, increased heart rate, profuse sweating, and so on. Other symptoms of anxiety include headaches, tension, sleeplessness, and persistent dis-ease, all of which are common symptoms of stress, as well. It’s no wonder, then, that the difference between anxiety versus stress is so blurred.

hands holding seedlings

Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Stress

Mother Nature is a long-time supporter of our mental health. She produces numerous beneficial plants, which we can use to calm our nerves and minimize stress symptoms.

For example, a review of nine relevant studies suggests that passion flower extract is a safe, incredibly effective way to reduce preoperative anxiety. Likewise, this article suggests that passion flower can help calm general anxiety better than Oxazepam, a well known anxiety medication counterpart.

Another one of the best herbs for anxiety is hemp, which often includes an array of beneficial terpenes, cannabinoids, and other plant elements. Quality hemp extract that harnesses the delicate nature of these elements may help ease stress and anxiety in many exciting ways. For example, CBD, the most common hemp cannabinoid, may help calm anxiety symptoms quickly and effectively, particularly in small doses. Likewise, hemp terpenes like citrus-scented limonene or floral linalool may also ease stress and anxiety, according to some research.

Importantly, we developed our Serinity Soothing Gummies to improve access to these natural anxiety-fighting herbs. We’ve intentionally combined these beneficial herbs for anxiety to create one of the best natural remedies for anxiety and stress on the market. We also utilize our farm-to-store policy to ensure our products are pure, predictable, and affordable so that you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

"stress" written in sand washing away with the tide

7 More Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Are your Serenity Soothing Gummies on the way, but you need stress relief now? Don’t worry. The following seven tips can help you relieve anxiety and stress fast.

Woman enjoying sunlight on her face

Get Some Sun

Research shows that sunlight stimulates serotonin production in the brain, which regulates things like mood, wakefulness, appetite, and more. This helps explain why many people feel depressed during darker seasons, and why springtime sun seems to have the opposite effect. So try soaking up some sun the next time you need help melting away your blues.

Woman listening to music through headphones

Listen to Music

They say that music soothes the soul, and research seems to prove it. For example, this study suggests that music may help calm pre-exam nerves among college students. What’s more, this study shows that music helps improve the effectiveness of clinical therapy. Finally, this study demonstrates that music can speed one’s stress recovery rate. That means that music (particularly classical, lofi, or other instrumental musical genres) may help reduce stress symptoms before, during, and after the stressor occurs.

Woman dancing outdoors

Move Your Body

While you’re listening to music, you might as well move your body! That’s because movement – especially enjoyable movement like dancing – triggers the body to release endorphins to help minimize pain, boost mood, and reduce stress. Dancing also helps reduce cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. So, the next time you feel stressed, turn on your favorite tunes and let loose. You’ll feel so much better when you do.

Man eating chocolate bar

Eat Some Chocolate

Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, helps boost mood by improving gut health. According to this paper, “dark chocolate has prebiotic effects by restructuring the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome, which may in turn improve mood via the gut-brain axis." Notably, the higher the cocoa content, the more significant the results, so feel free to indulge in the sweet treat daily.

Woman breathing fresh, outdoor air


Intentional breathing is an excellent way to take your mind off of your stressors – at least for a little while. What’s more, deep breathing helps balance oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, reduce cortisol, lower blood pressure, increase energy, and induce calm feelings. Though you can try many different breathing techniques for stress, an easy one to start with is the 4-7-8 method by which you inhale for four seconds, hold for seven, then exhale for eight.

Man stretching by water


Stretching is a simple form of exercise that anyone can do to quickly relieve stress and anxiety. Importantly, stretching helps lower both cortisol and adrenaline, which contribute to the body’s “fight or flight” stress response. It also helps improve blood circulation to minimize physical symptoms of stress like headaches and muscle tension. Best of all, you can stretch just about anywhere without looking like a weird-o.

Group of people laughing together


Laughter has many exciting health benefits – and it’s fun, too! In fact, research shows that laughing can reduce anxiety and stress by lowering blood pressure, reducing muscle tension, lower cortisol, and boost endorphins. It’s also an excellent distraction from whatever is causing stress symptoms and can help build connections with those around you. So pop in a silly movie, watch some stand-up comedy, or search YouTube for silly cat videos to boost your mood.

Writing in a calendar

Support Your Routine

Sometimes the best thing you can do to relieve stress is to simply follow a routine – just don’t overload yourself with must-do’s. Also, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t accomplish everything in a day. One simple way to support your routine is by adding de-stress products and activities to your daily schedule. For example, Copoeia offers subscription options to ensure you’re always stocked with the best all-natural wellness products and de-stressing solutions. Check out our shop pages to learn more.

Man standing, arms out, against the sunset

Conclusion: Use These Tips For Fast Anxiety Relief From Copoeia

Copoeia’s mission is to help you feel great, every day. That’s why we’ve compiled these tips alongside our premium wellness product line to help de-stress and reduce anxiety naturally. Whether you prefer natural herbal remedies and supplements or more action-oriented solutions, Copoeia can help.

What’s more, we know that wellness is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. As such, we’ve developed an herbal product line targeted at three key wellness areas: stress and anxiety, pain and physical discomforts, and sleeplessness or restlessness. Feel free to check out the rest of our products if you seek a more well-rounded herbal routine.

Looking for more news, product updates, and wellness tips from Copoeia? Join our social media community @CopoeiaWellness or sign up for our newsletter for deals and discussions.

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