Natural Pain Relief Options for Three Common Pain Types

Natural Pain Relief Options for Three Common Pain Types

Pain is a necessary part of life because it alerts us of concern and helps prevent further damage caused by injury or illness. Even so, untreated or mistreated pain can ruin your day and hinder other aspects of health like mood and sleep quality. Fortunately, there are many natural pain relief options available for different types of pain. Today, we’ll discuss three common pain types and outline some of the best natural pain relief options for each.

woman in pain

Three Common Pain Types You Should Understand

Pain, whether acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), is exhausting. In fact, research shows that people in pain tend to experience reduced life satisfaction and are also more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, substance abuse problems, and lost productivity and income.

Fortunately, pain does not have to be a standard part of your every day. To be clear, there are many ways to ease your symptoms at home. However, you must first identify the type of pain you’re experiencing. Notably, identifying the type (and therefore cause) of pain can help you find more effective – natural – treatment options.

man experiencing joint pain

Joint Pain

Millions of Americans experience joint pain, which is often caused by overuse of the joint or surrounding muscles. However, medical conditions like arthritis, physical injury, excessive weight, stress and anxiety, sleep problems, and age also contribute to joint pain in adults.

The most common areas where people experience joint pain are the knees, feet, hands and wrists, shoulders, and hips. These localized pain points tend to respond well to topical products, particularly those with deep-penetrating, anti-inflammatory properties and fast-acting temperature-focused solutions.

That’s why we’re so proud of our all-natural Pain Away Herbal Lotion with heating capsaicin and cooling menthol plus hemp cannabinoids like CBD and CBG. This careful mix of ingredients makes an excellent knee pain reliever. It also provides superior wrist pain relief and is one of the best shoulder pain home remedies on the market today.

Other natural ways to relieve joint pain at home include slow, deliberate exercises and diet modification, though heating pads and warm baths can also help. Having said that, please seek medical advice if you experience ongoing joint pain.

Man experiencing joint pain (tension pain)

Tension Pain

Tension pain occurs when muscles remain strained for an extended period. The most common type of tension pain occurs in the head, affecting about two-thirds of adults at some point in their lives. Those who have experienced tension headaches describe them as a tight band wrapping around the skull. Notably, tension headaches are generally duller than migraines (and rarely include visual disturbances) but tend to last much longer.

Notably, tension pain can also occur in the neck and shoulders, which is often just a physical display of emotional stressors. To illustrate, when we feel stressed, our brain tells our bodies to tense up to protect ourselves. Unfortunately, when we remain stressed (i.e. tense), that muscle strain turns into muscle pain, which may require more substantial muscular pain relief.

As such, when treating tension pain at home, it’s also wise to address the root cause of the tension with stress-relieving solutions, as well. For example, a massage with our Comfort Balm Soothing Salve can provide excellent pain relief for shoulders by easing tension and improving circulation. What’s more, our Serenity Soothing Gummies could help prevent future tension pain by helping you stay less stressed every day.

Woman experiencing period (menstrual) pain

Menstrual Pain

Around 80 percent of menstruating people experience period pain at some point. Of those people, about 40 percent also experience stomach cramps, backaches, headaches, digestive issues, bloating, and more. For about 10 percent of the population, menstrual pain is so severe that it disrupts their lives.

There are many reasons one might experience menstrual pain like uterine inflammation or infection, fibroids, or cysts. However, the most common cause of period pain is an excess of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that cause the uterus to contract.

Fortunately, anti-inflammatory products and some herbal supplements can alleviate period pain by reducing prostaglandins and re-balancing hormones. Examples of herbs that may provide menstrual pain relief include black cohosh, ginseng, chaste  berry, and menthol. Notably, our Menstrual Relief period pain patch features all of these ingredients plus 30 milligrams of CBD per patch for superior period pain relief.

Other great painkillers for period cramps include heat, exercise, and de-stress activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and so on.

natural versus synthetic products

Natural Versus Synthetic Pain Relief

When it comes to wellness products, many prefer natural pain relief options over synthetic solutions. Though there are many reasons people prefer natural versus synthetic painkillers, the primary focus is usually their long-standing track record of effectiveness. For example, menthol has been a popular painkiller since the early 1700s, whereas synthetic painkillers weren’t introduced until much later.

Many people also report concerns regarding fillers or other confusing ingredients within synthetic products. Natural products, on the other hand, tend to include well-known ingredients that are easy to identify, and generally gentler on the system.

This is not to say that every natural product is better than its synthetic counterpart, though. Natural wellness products are not regulated as strictly, which means their potency and effectiveness can vary. As such, consumers should only purchase natural wellness products from reliable distributors with proven product consistency. With more than a decade of experience producing and perfecting natural hemp wellness products, Copoeia is proud to fit the bill.

Copoeia all-natural wellness product line on display

Conclusion: Get Natural Pain Relief With Copoeia Wellness Products

Pain should not be a regular part of your day. Whether you experience joint pain, tension pain, or period pain, Copoeia’s natural pain relief options are a simple solution. Notably, we produce all of our products, including our line of natural pain relief products, using the best mix of high-quality herbal ingredients. We also grow CBD and other hemp cannabinoids on our Kentucky farmland before extracting and packaging them just for you.

Would you like to join us on your wellness journey? Then follow us on social media @CopoeiaWellness or sign up for our newsletter where we’ll discuss wellness tips, share product updates, and connect with others on a path toward a happier, healthier life.

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